Best Agriculture Management Practises PERFECT FOR: Coffee Consumers | Importers The consumers/ Importers in the developing countries are placing major emphasis on quality assurance for coffee. There is always growing demand for speciality coffees like gourmet coffee,ecofreindly coffee, organic coffee etc, Which require continous efforts on quality Enhancement. Enough skilled manpower is needed in the industry for evaluating the cup quality of coffee produced. Register today to reserve your spot! At the academy Onsite Online We offer offline services where you can come study at our offices in kamwokya at a fee of $400 Pay via pesapal We also offer onsite services where we come to you’re place of business to conduct the classes however its important to note that you must be more than 5 people to have this session at a fee of $400 Pay via pesapal Or you could use our online e-learning system that will give you access to courses and tutors where ever and whenever you need them at a fee of $400 Pay via pesapal UPCOMING CLASS DATES no event